Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point. Supporting the entire body, your spine not only allows you to stand up straight, but also to bend and twist.

Back injuries can occur suddenly, caused by something as simple as twisting awkwardly, lifting a heavy object, or from a car accident or bad fall. Other spine problems can form over time, from repetitive sports strain or as the result of a degenerative condition. If back pain is limiting you, please contact our patient care team to discuss if Regenexx Cayman stem cell or platelet-rich plasma treatments can help.


We spend 100% of our time treating orthopedic issues - this focus and specialization makes us experts in what we do. We typically treat spinal injuries and conditions, such as torn, herniated, or bulging discs, facet injuries, and other degenerative issues causing neck and back pain.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)
  • Herniated or ruptured discs
  • Bulging discs
  • Sacroiliac joint pain or instability
  • Cervical or lumbar facet injuries
  • Sciatica or a pinched nerve
  • Arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylosis
  • And more…

Regenexx-C and Regenexx-C Intradiscal treatments can also be a non-surgical alternative for those who may be considering a laminectomy, spinal fusion, spinal decompression surgery, microdiscectomy, foraminotomy, disc removal surgery (Discectomy), stabilization surgery, or artificial disc replacement.

If you’re experiencing severe back or neck pain, or wish to treat your spine alongside other joints, please contact us to tell us more about your condition and see how we can help you.


Our physicians use both blood platelet and mesenchymal stem cell treatments for spinal injuries and conditions. And, where deemed appropriate for your condition, they can also perform intradiscal injections.

After reviewing your imaging and medical history, a Regenexx Cayman doctor will advise on your best course of treatment:

Real Patients

Real Results

“I’ve been very active and now I’ve entered my 60’s and I want to stay active and do as many things as I can, for as long as I can. I’m back to doing all of the things I love and it has been great for me.”

– Tony Rowlands, Healthcare Investor
Regenexx-C Spine, Shoulder, and Knee patient


Regenexx maintains an active registry that tracks the post-procedure outcomes of every patient. Here are some of the major findings from our Regenexx-C spine outcome data and research studies:

  • 2 years post-treatment, patients report a functional improvement score of 78%.

  • 6 months post-treatment, MRIs showed an average disc bulge reduction of 23% for a sample of degenerative disc disease patients who had disc bulges.

  • 1 year post-treatment, patients reported a pain score of only 1.9 out of 10.

  • 2 years post-treatment, patients report an overall improvement of 60%.


Can Regenexx Cayman treatment help my spine?

Regenexx Cayman blood platelet and stem cell treatments can help with a range of spine problems. Prior to any treatment, we will confirm your candidacy for treatment, either with an in-person consultation or phone review. During your consultation, the physician will discuss your imaging and medical history in detail and discuss your treatment options. You will then receive a candidacy rating of good, fair, or poor, so you have a clear understanding of your expected outcome from spine stem cell treatment.

After my Regenexx spine procedure, when can I be active again?

This depends on your specific treatment, and you will be given post-procedure instructions to follow. However, most patients resume normal mobility four days after treatment (with some overhead lifting restrictions), light resistance training by week two, and a return to sport and full functional activity after seven weeks. Patients also report a continued improvement in function and decrease in pain many months after their procedure.

Will I need physical therapy after my Regenexx spine stem cell procedure?

Yes, we usually recommend physical therapy after treatment. You will receive specific post-procedure instructions and rehab protocols for your lumbar, cervical, and/or thoracic spine. These will detail what you can and can’t do for the first three months after treatment, including restricted and permitted activities, therapeutic exercises, rehab progression, and recommendations for physical therapy following stem cell injections.

Do you have outcome data relating to my specific spine condition e.g. degenerative disc disease?

We can provide joint-specific outcome data (i.e. all spine patients), but not condition-specific data. Regenexx maintains an active patient registry of all patients and publicly publishes patient outcomes. Regenexx Cayman regularly compiles Regenexx-C data from the registry. Please contact us if you’d like to know more.


Want to know more? Request a Patient Info Packet to better understand your treatment options.