Founded in 2011, Regenexx Cayman offers the world’s most advanced orthopedic stem cell treatment, Regenexx-C, which provides 100 – 1,000 times more stem cells than U.S. procedures. Patients from around the world travel to Regenexx Cayman for cultured stem cell treatment and stem cell banking.

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About Regenexx Cayman

Licensed to practice culture-expanded stem cell treatment in the Cayman Islands, all procedures are performed by Regenexx Cayman’s visiting, U.S. Board Certified physicians, and clinical products are prepared by licensed laboratory technologists and cell biologists. Regenexx Cayman has the largest cleanroom laboratory in the Caribbean, which meets ISO class 7 criteria. The lab is certified by the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) and licensed by the Health Practice Commission (HPC).

Regenexx is a world-wide network of highly trained physicians, and there are nearly 100 Regenexx clinics across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Regenexx is the trusted alternative to orthopedic surgery.

Fact Sheet: What makes Regenexx Different?

Expertise and Training

  • In 2005, Regenexx physicians invented orthopedic stem cell treatments.

  • All Regenexx Cayman treatments are completed by MDs or DOs, who are board certified in Physician Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pain Management, or Sports Medicine.

  • Each physician has completed extensive training through the Interventional Orthopedics Foundation and thousands of hours of image-guided, injection-based treatment.

Advanced Treatments

  • Using propriety, lab-processing techniques, our cell biologists grow patients’ stem cells (100 – 1,000 times more for Regenexx-C treatment). 

  • Our same-day stem cell treatments are 20 times more concentrated than those prepared by a basic bedside centrifuge, and Regenexx PRP is 10 times more concentrated.

  • Regenexx Cayman offers stem cell banking, so patients can safely store their cells for future treatment.

Focus and Precision

  • Regenexx is 100% focused on treating orthopedic issues. 

  • Regenexx physicians create custom treatment plans, so patients receive the right concentrations to treat their unique condition.

  • Regenexx physicians use image-guided injections to precisely target the problem area.

Research and Technology

  • Regenexx has published 44% of all orthopedic stem cell research worldwide.

  • Regenexx holds 15 patents on various interventional orthopedic technologies and protocols.

  • Regenexx Cayman has the largest cleanroom in the Caribbean, which meets ISO Class 7 criteria.

Safety And Outcomes

  • Regenexx published the world’s largest stem cell safety study.

  • Regenexx has been tracking patient outcomes since 2005 and reporting with full transparency.



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