Regenexx Cayman physicians are skilled orthopedic doctors, who specialize in sports injuries, orthopedic conditions, and pain management.

All Regenexx Cayman physicians are U.S. board certified and licensed to practice in the Cayman Islands, using world-class stem cell technology and techniques. Professional, knowledgeable, and respectful, our doctors communicate clearly with patients, putting them at ease throughout their treatment journey.

In addition to their traditional medical training and musculoskeletal specialization, all Regenexx physicians must complete supplementary training courses by the Interventional Orthopedics Foundation enabling them to perform the advanced image-guided procedures provided by Regenexx. To schedule a consultation, please contact the contact the Regenexx Cayman patient care team.


How can interventional orthopedics help patients?

"One of the primary reasons I chose the field of Interventional Orthopedics is because it allows me to bridge the gap between non-surgical and surgical care of orthopedic injuries.

Many patients are looking for options that not only allow them a quicker recovery to sport or normal activities, but they are also looking for medical providers that address orthopedic injuries from a functional standpoint. We consider the person as a whole and always see how multiple things, such as biomechanics and nutrition, can be impacting an injury, performance, or daily activities."

Primary clinic: Regenexx Cayman


Dr. John Schultz

Primary Clinic: Centeno Schultz Clinic, Colorado
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Dr. John Pitts

Primary Clinic: Centeno Schultz Clinic, Colorado
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Dr. Jason Markle

Primary Clinic: Centeno Schultz Clinic, Colorado
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Dr. Ben Newton

Primary Clinic: StemCell ARTS, Maryland
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Dr. James Leiber

Primary Clinic: Regenexx at New Regeneration Orthopedics, Florida
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Dr. Jonathan Fenton

Primary Clinic: Vermont Regenerative Medicine, Vermont
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Dr. Ronald Torrance

Primary Clinic: Regenexx at New Regeneration Orthopedics, Florida
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Dr. Andrew Blecher

Primary Clinic: Southern California Orthopedic Institute/UCLA Health
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Real Results

“The first time I went to Regenexx Cayman I had both my knees done and my back. It went very well. I was able to hike and walk normally again. I felt wonderful! The physicians are honest about what can be done and what can’t. I trust them completely.” – Linda N. Regenexx-C Knee, Spine & Hip Patient


Want to know more? Request a Patient Info Packet to better understand your treatment options.